Vicki Cleary Day
The 2024 Vicki Cleary Day was a great success.Coming Soon... Gladys and the Brunswick Boys
Want Phil to speak at Your event
Phil is an inspiring speaker and campaigner, football legend and former independent member of the federal parliament.
Phil speaks at Vicki Cleary Day
Phil Cleary
Phil Cleary is a former teacher, football legend and independent member of the Australian Parliament. A political scientist and historian, Phil and is the author of the books Cleary Independent (1998), Just another little murder (2002) and Getting away with murder (2005) and numerous published articles. Since the murder of his 25-year-old sister, Vicki, in 1987, Phil has been at the forefront of the campaign to stop violence against women. From July 2016 to November 2019 he was a member of the Victorian government’s Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council, which oversaw the state government's family violence reform agenda. In 2017 he created Vicki Cleary Day in memory of Vicki and all the women taken by violent men. Between 2016 and 2019 he was the spokesperson for the campaign that stopped a proposed destructive excavation at the Queen Victoria Market. In 2019 he was awarded the Gowland Award for his campaigning to end violence against women.
In 2022 Phil was made a Distinguished Alumni of La Trobe University. His latest project, a documentary film, Gladys and the Brunswick Boys, is in production.
Speaking of Phil Cleary
- That legendary VFA hard man and media commentator, Phil Cleary, swept into Pyramid Hill on 14 June 9 (2003) as the headline act for the men's health night jointly initiated by Northern District Community Health Service and Pyramid Hill Football Club.He regaled the audience with amusing tales of his days as a VFA player and coach and of his time as an independent member of federal Parliament...he stressed the need for good men to take responsibility in the roles of dads and mentors for the raising of fine young men and women…Admitting an on-field 'hard man' reputation, Cleary said that in fact he didn't like violence and urged men to take responsibility, not only for their own conduct in their relations with others, but also not to condone it where they see it happening…The passion of Cleary's commitment and his courage in taking a stand against the odds won the respect of his audience and his views are certain to have made a markGreg Currie Men’s Health Specialist
- I have watched Phil Cleary captivate audiences at various speaking functions over the years. The first was in 2005 to over 100 people in a warm stuffy room where people clamoured to shake his hand afterwards.Hard hitting, but always with a sense of humour, Phil Cleary comes into his own in front of a room full of people, entertaining and captivating in a way that few people can in these days of quiet politeness and mediocrity.He paints pictures of people, situations and circumstances that take people on a journey. One woman who has a PhD said, 'it was wonderful to be taken on such a great intellectual pursuit ...I couldn't remember feeling so alive and switched on mentally for a very long time…'He makes people laugh and cry and feel brave. His experiences as a teacher, a politician and a football coach enable him to grab an audience. I have never known anyone after hearing Phil in full flight not to take something new, unique or exciting away with them...Jane Ashton, former Nillumbik Councillor and sister of Julie Ramage, who was strangled by her estranged husband James Ramage in 2003. Julie's death and Ramage's use of a provocation defence at trial was the subject of Phil’s book, Getting away with murder.
- What a pleasure it was to have Phil come and speak at our club. As Mansfield Football Netball Club's first female President and with the local (female) Mayor in attendance the day reinforced to me the importance of Women's ever-increasing role in local communities… The nature of Phil's experience drew raw emotion from everyone in the room, it must remain hard for him to talk about. Having said that his Sister has clearly inspired him to be at the forefront of the battle that is violence against women. He honours her with his work and she would be proud of him.Our Club and our Community stands ready to continue the battle and we thank Phil Cleary for helping to motivate, inspire & drive Women's basic rights.
Thank you, Phil.Belinda De MariaPresident Mansfield Football Netball Club (2019) - I attended a community breakfast conversation in Mansfield during the 16 days of activism against family violence that took place at the Footy Club Rooms – an apt setting for Phil. Phil engaged with the audience in a warm, enveloping way, sharing stories of his life and family that drew us in. He is funny and able to speak to a truly diverse crowd with ease. Phil’s message is insightful and searingly honest: don’t be a passenger, don’t seek to diminish responsibility or shift blame for family violence. During Phil’s presentation, I had laughed aloud and moments later, silently wept tears of sadness and frustration. Phil challenges his audience in a way that is rarely done. This is ‘take no prisoners’, no-bullshit stuff. His message has stayed with me and encouraged me to share it in all its colour and darkness…Katie Lockey, Principal Solicitor Mal Ryan Glen Lawyers
- It has been a privilege for us to have worked with Phil Cleary over the years. His passion shines through in every single aspect of his advocacy, it is devoid of ego and self-service…He does this for his sister, Vicki, and it comes across in every facet of his work.Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council 2019Veteran Age Journalist, John Silvester
- Phil Cleary has been hosting our Northern Blues corporate breakfasts for the past eight years. He has interviewed many of our renowned guest speakers, including Mick Malthouse, Chris Judd, Paul Roos, Peter Hudson, Dermott Brereton, Craig Hutchison, the late Danny Frawley, Rodney Eade, Carlton CEO Cain Liddle and Brad Johnson to name but a few. Phil is truly captivating, entertaining and comical but most of all well informed, he really does his research and delivers the most left field questions surprising our audience and guest speakers who are also entertained by Phil’s animated approach.Steve Papal, Northern Bullants Club President